Fall seven times, rise up eight

Posted on 03. Apr, 2014 by in Events

Fall Seven Times, Rise Up EightThe words of this Japanese proverb have inspired and guided me for many years as I have recovered from two brain injuries in 1999. They have helped me move forward when I felt that I couldn’t go on and have encouraged me to keep trying when I thought I couldn’t succeed. I’ve wanted to put the words into action to help others for several years and will get that chance on April 28 and 29 when I present two workshops at the Washington State 2014 Traumatic Brain Injury Conference.

This year’s theme is Becoming You: Moving, Creating and Growing Forward. I’ll be presenting on Monday morning to adults with brain injuries and on Tuesday morning to caregivers of people who’ve experience a brain injury. The topic is Fall Seven Times, Rise Up Eight: The Art and Practice of Resilience. I’ll be drawing from my experience to illustrate the latest scientific research on what builds resilience and we will practice some of the activities that can build the strength to keep going.

The lineup this year is so exciting

Barbara Stahura, an author and expert on journaling will present “Explore Your Story with Journaling,” Darin Harris, a former UW Football player speaks about “Life Before, Life After, Life Now,” and the opening keynote is by Kevin Pearce, “Love Your Brain.” Kevin is a snowboard champion and TBI survivor.

The conference includes tracks for veterans, professionals in the field, teens and young adults, caregivers and adults who’ve been affected by a brain injury.

Here’s the complete conference schedule and registration information.

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